No more hassle of multiple appointments and temporary crowns! Our technology allows us to craft custom restorations right here in our office, providing you with the durability and beauty you expect in just one visit.
Same-day crowns are dental restorations designed to repair decayed or worn-down teeth in a single appointment.
First, we clean and prepare the affected area so it's ready for the new crown. Next, we take precise digital impressions of your tooth, which are then fed into our cutting-edge software.
The computer meticulously designs your new crown and sends this data to our CEREC® milling machine, which carves your restoration from a durable ceramic block.
With proper care, same-day crowns can last over ten years, giving you a strong and dependable smile. Scheduling dental check-ups and having good oral hygiene are vital to keeping your crown shining bright for the long haul.
Experience the convenience and quality of same-day crowns at Spring Hill Smiles. Call our team today to schedule your appointment!