Even with regular brushing and flossing, hidden dental issues can still sneak up on you. Visiting our office for personalized general dentistry services is one safe way to ensure your smile stays radiant and problem-free!


Oral Examinations

Our oral examinations go beyond a quick look inside your mouth. We use CBCT scans, digital X-rays, and intraoral cameras to get a comprehensive view of your oral health.

We'll carefully inspect your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues during your oral examination for signs of gum disease, decay, or other problems. Our advanced equipment allows us to detect problems early on when they're easier to treat.


When you have a hygiene visit, we will use specialized instruments to gently remove plaque and mineralize deposits from your teeth and gums.

We'll also take the time to discuss the right brushing and flossing techniques, as well as any areas of concern we may have noticed during your examination. Our goal is to clean your teeth and empower you with the information you need to maintain excellent oral hygiene at home.

Occlusal Nightguards

If you suffer from teeth grinding at night, an occlusal nightguard may be just what you need. These custom-made guards sit over your teeth to create a protective barrier that prevents damage and trauma.

Wearing an occlusal nightguard while you sleep can also help alleviate symptoms of bruxism, such as jaw pain and headaches, and protect your teeth from wear and tear.


Even with regular brushing and flossing, hidden dental issues can still sneak up on you. Visiting us for x-rays and an exam to check your teeth for small, early problems is one safe way to ensure your smile stays radiant and cavity-free!

During treatment, we'll remove the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth and fill it with a resin material that mimics the color of your natural teeth. The result? A lifelike restoration that blends in with your smile.


For patients suffering from gum disease, active therapy is a crucial treatment that targets the source of the problem: bacteria on mineralized deposits below the gumline.

In this two-part procedure, we remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the pockets around your teeth, and smooth your teeth to prevent further bacterial  growth. Active therapy can help stop the progression of gum disease and promote healing of the gum tissues.


While we strive to save natural teeth whenever possible, there are instances where extraction is the best course of action. Our team performs extractions with precision and care, whether due to severe decay, infection, or crowding.

Before the extraction, we'll numb the area to ensure your comfort and suggest sedation options if you feel anxious or afraid. Once the tooth is removed, we'll give you thorough aftercare instructions to promote healing and prevent complications.

How Often Should I Visit a General Dentist?

Most patients need check-ups and cleanings every six months to catch any issues before they worsen and keep their smiles in top condition. However, we may recommend more frequent visits if you have specific dental concerns or conditions, such as:

  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Weakened immune system
  • Tendency to suffer from gum disease or cavities

Visit Our General Dentist in Spring Hill, TN, for the Best Dental Care!

Don't wait until dental issues arise – take proactive steps toward a healthier smile today! Contact Spring Hill Smiles to schedule your next appointment with our team.

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Monday - Wednesday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday - Friday | 7:00 am - 3:00 pm